Friday, September 11, 2009

2009/2010 Books Technology

Adobe Photoshop CS4 how-tos : 100 essential techniques / Chris Orwig.
Photoshop CS4 : top 100 simplified tips & tricks / by Lynette Kent.
Photoshop CS4 all-in-one for dummies / by Barbara Obermeier.
Twitter for Dummies.
Computer-aided fraud prevention and detection : a step-by-step guide / David Coderre.
Facebook era : tapping online social networks to build better products, reach new audiences, and sell more stuff / Clara Shih.
Game theory evolving : a problem-centered introduction to modeling strategic interaction / Herbert Gintis.
Hot shoe diaries : creative applications of small flashes / by Joe McNally.
How to be a geek goddess : practical advice for using computers with smarts and style / Christina Tynan-Wood.
Internet safety / edited by Richard Joseph Stein.
Smart policies for workplace technologies : email, blogs, cell phones & more / by Lisa Guerin.
Twitter power : how to dominate your market one tweet at a time / Joel Comm.
Twitter : tips, tricks, and tweets / Paul McFedries.
YouTube : online video and participatory culture / Jean Burgess and Joshua Green ; with contributions by Henry Jenkins and John Hartley.
Chained exploits : advanced hacking attacks from start to finish / Andrew Whitaker, Keatron Evans, Jack B. Voth.
Googlepedia : the ultimate Google resource / Michael Miller.
Manga guide to databases / Mana Takahashi, Shoko Azuma, Trend-pro Co., LTD.
Wired for war : the robotics revolution and conflict in the twenty-first century / P.W. Singer.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4.
Adobe Photoshop CS4 / [Adobe Creative Team].
Adobe Photoshop CS4 book for digital photographers / Scott Kelby.
BlackBerry Storm for dummies / Robert Kao and Dante Sarigumba.
Building web sites all-in-one desk reference for dummies / by Claudia Snell, Doug Sahlin.
Google sites for dummies / Ryan Teeter, Karl Barksdale.
Myths of technology : innovation and inequality / edited by Judith Burnett, Peter Senker, Kathy Walker.
Power of IP video : unleashing productivity with visual networking / Jennifer C. Baker ... [et al.].
Quicken 2009 : the official guide / Maria Langer.
Sams teach yourself Ajax, JavaScript, and PHP all in one / Phil Ballard, Michael Moncur.
Television studies after TV : understanding television in the post- broadcast era / edited by Graeme Turner and Jinna Tay.
Cybercrime / Sylvia Engdahl, book editor.
Web 2.0 / Laurie Willis, book editor.
Fundamentals of computer graphics / Peter Shirley, Steve Marschner, with Michael Ashikhmin ... [et al.].
Image processing for computer graphics and vision / Luiz Velho , Alejandro C. Frery, Jonas Gomes ; [translated by Silvio Levy].
Communications under the seas : the evolving cable network and its implications / edited by Bernard Finn and Daqing Yang.
Internet and crime / By Alan Marzilli.
IPod touch pocket guide / Christopher Breen.
My iPod touch / Brad Miser.
IPod touch made simple / by Martin Trautschold, Gary Mazo.
CSS cookbook / Christopher Schmitt.
Organize your digital life : how to store your photographs, music, videos, & personal documents in a digital world / Aimee Baldridge.
Bebop to the boolean boogie : an unconventional guide to electronics / Clive "Max" Maxfield.
Should the Internet be free? / Roman Espejo, book editor.
You are not a gadget : a manifesto / Jaron Lanier.
Master handbook of acoustics / F. Alton Everest.
Technology and science in ancient civilizations / Richard G. Olson.
Flash Professional CS5 & Flash Catalyst CS5 for dummies / by Ellen Finkelstein, Gurdy Leete, and Mary Leete.
Photoshop CS5 all-in-one for dummies / by Barbara Obermeier.
Dreamweaver CS5 all-in-one for dummies / by Sue Jenkins and Richard Wagner.
Windows 7 / Marty Matthews.
Windows 7 plain & simple / Jerry Joyce, Marianne Moon.
Windows 7 / Joan Preppernau and Joyce Cox.
Lost technologies of ancient Egypt : advanced engineering in the temples of the pharaohs / Christopher Dunn.
IPad pocket guide / by Jeff Carlson.
IPad for dummies / by Edward C. Baig and Bob LeVitus.
IPad : the missing manual / by J.D. Biersdorfer.
IPad for seniors for dummies / by Nancy Muir.
Teach yourself visually iPad / by Lonzell Watson.

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