Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Using LexisNexis Academic to locate movie reviews

If you need to locate a movie review, try using LexisNexis Academic. 

For this example, we will search for a review for the movie "Hunger Games".

To find LexisNexis Academic, if you are on campus, go to the Online Databases page and select the link for LexisNexis Academic. If you are off-campus, be sure to select the link for off-campus at the top of the page; type in your credentials, and then select the link for LexisNexis Academic.

The opening screen will look like this:

From the opening screen, select News from the left hand side:

Then, select All News:

Now, add your search terms and change the pull down boxes to look like this:
(Notice that "In Same Sentence As" was chosen as a connector. This means that we are searching for 
the phrase "Hunger Games" and movie review within the same sentence. We will also select "Headline or Lead" from the pull down boxes which will find our search terms from a Headline or Lead story.)

Here are the results:

Choose the title and click to read the full text:

Be sure to check back for future tips on searching the databases and more about connectors (Boolean Operators)!

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