Monday, April 25, 2011

Article Search

Sauk LRC quick tip!

Use "Citation Linker" to check online availability quickly using the article's citation information.
Find out how below.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Research Tip: Effective Internet Searching

Searching for credible information on the Internet can be a difficult and frustrating task. The sheer volume of information on the Internet guarantees that you will find much more useless information than useful information, unless you learn to use the tools of Internet searching. Following are a few helpful tips to help you make the most of your online searches.

Make an effort to learn how your favorite search engine works. Search Engine Showdown offers a wealth of information about search engines and how they work, along with a chart that compares features of six popular search engines.

Learn about Boolean Logic as it applies to online searching. In essence, Boolean searching involves using the operators AND, OR, and NOT between search terms to either narrow or expand your information-seeking focus, so that your search results include information you need, and exclude information that is not helpful to you. Colorado State University Libraries have created a simple interactive tutorial to help users understand Boolean searching.

Use quotation marks around phrases. If you type the words occupational therapy in a search box, the search engine will find websites that contain both of those words anywhere. If you type the phrase “occupational therapy” in a search box, the search engine will find websites that contain those words together in that order.

Most, if not all, search engines feature an Advanced Search page that makes use of Boolean logic without requiring the user to design complicated search strings. They do this by offering multiple search boxes with the options to search for all of the words typed in the search box; at least one of the words typed in the search box; a complete phrase typed in the search box; or to exclude all of the words typed in the search box. Google’s Advanced Search link is located to the right of the basic search box, in small blue letters.

When in doubt, make use of the search engine’s help functions. Google’s Web Search Help Center can be found by clicking on more at the top of the basic search page, and then selecting even more from the drop-down menu. Web Search Features will open a page that gives hints on how to find specific types of information along with links to Basic Search and Advanced Search help and more.

Effective Internet searching is an acquired skill that requires time, patience, and practice. Make the effort to learn the tips and techniques provided by information professionals and editors of popular search engines. This will eventually pay dividends in terms of your increased efficiency and decreased frustration!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Term Paper Problems?

Having problems locating information for your term paper? Finding too much information? Don't even have a topic yet? Don't worry- the Librarians at SVC LRC are available to help! Just come in to the LRC to get assistance. We will be happy to help you with any information needs you have. Also, don't forget you can always text us - just text AskSVLRC to 66746 for instructions!